We all enter this world
looking for someone
looking for us.


Welcome to Rogue River Counseling

We believe in the adage “two are better than one,” and desire to walk with you as you begin to understand the emotional, relational, psychological, spiritual and physical obstacles that hinder growth and freedom. Through connection and relationship you will not only find healing, growth and freedom, but also deeper fulfillment in yourself, your relationships and – when applicable – your faith. We offer counseling and therapy services for both individuals and couples at our Annapolis office, as well as via phone/video calls. Our expertise is not limited to, but centered around helping those struggling with general trauma, intimacy disorders, sex and love addiction, betrayal trauma, depression/anxiety, rebuilding relationships and more.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

Brené Brown


Facing your wounds can be frightening and overwhelming, especially when facing them alone. Counseling can help to foster the courage, provide guidance and the space to address these wounds and enter the healing process. Rogue River Counseling approaches healing in a holistic manner, incorporating physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational elements in the healing process.


Do you feel controlled by behaviors and attitudes that are self defeating, dangerous and destructive?  Probably you have made numerous attempts to end these addictions or compulsions and are feeling hopeless and resigned to this life. Rogue River Counselors hold this hope for you and not only will work with you to face and overcome these struggles, but also explore what is beneath these behaviors.

If you feel swept away by the current, far from life’s comfortable banks, we can help navigate the fierce rapids.

“There is nothing to prove and nothing to protect. I am who I am and it’s enough.”

Richard Rohr


At the intersection of two or more lives there is the opportunity for deep understanding, friendship, love and joy. However there also lies the opportunity for pain, mistrust, alienation, discouragement and confusion. With the belief that we are created for relationship, Rogue River counselors meet couples, families or groups at this painful intersection and work with them as they move towards reconciliation by developing trust and empathy while finding healing and freedom.


Pain (either our own or someone else’s) usually is the reason one enters the healing journey. However, as the journey unfolds we find that this pain is actually just the entrance point into a greater deepening of ourselves, our relationships and our souls. What was once a source of shame can become a source of life as we begin to come to know, appreciate and enjoy ourselves. At Rogue River Counseling, we can guide you through this deepening process.